Here TalkOrigins is promoting the local flood theory.  In a global flood all the civilizations on the planet would have perished in the flood and there would be no survivors to write about the flood other than those on the ark.

So the lack of writings about the flood in these civilizations, makes perfect sense ​in the light of a global flood scenario. 

The local flood theory makes absolutely no sense, for we would have God make Noah spend nearly a hundred years to build an ark to escape a local flood?

He could have just told Noah to leave the area​, as he did with Lot before he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

And in the time it took to build the ark, Noah and his family could have walked to the other side of the planet.

Secondly, why have birds on the ark? Birds are fully capable of flying hundreds and thousands of miles to escape any local flood.

No, they were brought aboard because it was going to be a global flood. ​​​​​​ ​​​