This argument reveals intellectual dishonesty on the part of TalkOrigins.
The Bible is not just a book of historical accounts, but includes poetry, prophecy. Parables., Psalms, words of wisdom, and revelation.
And TalkOrigins knows this. And for them to not acknowledge that, and instead try to give the impression that anybody actually believes that everything is to be taken literally, TalkOrigins is just being dishonest.
As for the verses referenced:
The Daniel reference is in connection with a dream that Daniel had. It had nothing to do with Daniel’s view on science.
Mathew 24 involved a supernatural event because it had Christ and Satan involved in a conversation.
It would take a supernatural event for Satan to take Christ up to the top of the Temple and then to the top of a mountain.
This chapter has been used for years by skeptics to claim beleivers thought the world was flat because in a round world, you could not see beyond the horizon to be able to see all the kingdoms.
But the people back then were not that stupid to not know that even in a flat world, the human eye has it’s limits as to how far it can see.
What Satan was showing Christ was probably visions of the kingdoms of the world.
The verse in Chronicles does not teach a stationary earth either.
It is teaching about the earth being established in a fixed order.
It has been placed in a fixed orbit from which it shall not be moved without the will of God.
In the English language, we use phrases than can be misconstrued by ignorant people.
One can say that they are taking a position on some teaching and that they shall not be moved.
That doesn’t mean that they will stop breathing or that their heart is going to stop.