Apparently some people are ashamed to admit that they believe in miracles and want to keep the talk of them to a minimum in order not to offend their secular friends too much and also make it appear that their arguments are more geared towards giving scientific proof.
It appears that some have never considered that God is a long suffering God and that He gives people the time to repent.
Sure God could have just killed the Pharaoh and have been done with it.
But no, He did give Pharaoh the time to repent and sent him 10 plagues.
In Noah’s case, it took almost a hundred years to build the Ark, and surely thousands of people probably passed by while he was doing it and inquired as to what was going on.

And it gave Noah the opportunity to warn them.
God is very much like a father.
He wants his children to grow up solving their own problems and build character.
But He does intervene in the areas where his children cannot help themselves.