Most people are not aware of the battles that go on behind the scenes in the world of the evolutionists.
Daniel Dennett, a huge fan of Charles Darwin, wrote a book called Darwin’s Dangerous Idea.
Dennett spent an entire chapter contradicting, discrediting, and ridiculing the ideas of the late Stephen J. Gould.

Gould was considered by many to be the unofficial laureate of evolution.
Gould responded with,
"Dennett's singularly contentless commentary reminded me of this motto and its corollary, "When you have nothing to say, say it louder"

Richard Dawkins is one of today's premier evolutionists.

He said  this of Gould:

​​"I think the tendency of American intellectuals to learn their evolution from him is unfortunate, and that's putting it mildly."

​​​If indeed biology gives a more accurate and consistent explanation of things, these battles among the evolutionist elites would never have happened.